Still stuck on a valid way to share these. That will download the files to the iPad, but although I can see the downloaded file in the app, when I try 'Show in folder', double tapping on it does nothing, and I can find no way of opening it in the SU iPad app. All, when downloaded via Chrome, come onto the iPad at 833 bytes and aren't valid Sketchup files. Tried several other recent and not so recent. Download says it's going to be 6.7MB, but it's still only 833 bytes. I've cleared the cache on iPad, closed and reopened Chrome, and tried the download again. skp files - all open correctly on my main iMac computer, but fail repeatedly and in the same way (download is only 833 bytes) on phone and iPad. I've had the same issue with at least half a dozen. It downloads, and automatically opens in SU 2021. At the same time, Modelo separates the original model file from the visualization file, so there is no need to worry about your files getting stolen by sending them to visualize.I have no difficulty with the same file on my computer. Files that are hundreds of megabytes big can be dramatically compressed, so the download and rendering speeds get much faster. All the files are stored in their own designated folders, so there is no need to use another online cloud storage or file transfer service, like Dropbox or Wetransfer. Every Rhino user can drag and drop their 3D files into the browser.

In case you want to view different projections of a model, you can do so using this freeware. With Modelo, you will be able to freely Rotate, Pan, Zoom in, Zoom out, and Spin a 3D model. Modelo is a 3D viewer with Zero Learning Cost.Modelo has the following features that make it the best free online Sketchup viewer You can upload an unlimited number of models from your software or your browser and embed them directly on Facebook, blogs, forums, or any other site.

It allows you to easily display 3D models on the web and view them on any browser, mobile, desktop, or tablet. Modelo is a website for publishing, sharing, and discovering Sketchup models. Modelo is a free online Sketchup models viewer which can perfectly present models on all devices. However, it is hard to view Sketchup models online due to their complexity. The Sketchup model enables conceptual designs to be created, viewed, and shared quickly and easily. Sketchup is a popular 3D modeling software among designers.