Members enjoy unlimited streaming access to a vast collection of TV shows, movies, sports and more with Prime Video, ad-free listening of 2 million songs plus thousands of stations and playlists with Amazon Music, unlimited access to a free rotating selection of more than 1,000 books and magazines with Prime Reading, and free unlimited photo storage with Amazon Photos. This is in addition to the many other benefits available with Prime, including the best of shopping and entertainment from Amazon, including fast, free delivery, along with exclusive savings, early access to deals, Prime Day, and so much more. Prime Gaming’s selection of in-game content and free PC games is always growing and rotating to stay fresh, with new items and free games added every month. Plus, they can claim a collection of PC games for free every month that are theirs to keep forever, and a monthly Twitch channel subscription. Benefits include bonus loot in your favourite games, ad-free viewing on Twitch, a channel subscription every 30 days, and other gaming-related goodies.With Prime Gaming, Amazon Prime members enjoy tons of free, exclusive content for their favorite PC, console, and mobile games. Twitch Prime is a premium service included as part of Amazon Prime membership.

Remember last year’s free-for-all-players Twitch Prime loot? Oh we can already hear your Scaping senses tingling to what’s coming.